Friday 23 March 2018

Loosing The Advantage!

Loosing The Advantage!

There are certain battles, you will always lose if you live in isolation. That was the case of Laish in the book of judges 18 verse 27. They were squashed and had their identity redefined. 

Passers-by kind of trouble makers took advantage of the fact that they had business with no man thus no deliverer. 

Isolation could be a real disadvantage in the days of trouble, the quiet and secure land of Laish as stated above was in isolation. 

Quietness and social-economic security without connection to others are absolute weaknesses in days of trouble.

Keep a company of strength and confidence, so you don't pay with a loss of advantage and identity in the unplanned days of troubles and challenges.

Service your company of strength continually in good and trying seasons.

Stay strong and connected.


Remi Adetunmbi 

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