Friday 7 September 2018

More Money Series

*Making More Money Seminar 1*
Prosperity is a state of no lack. True prosperity is God meeting all your needs just in time. This definition will deliver you from undue pursuit of successes you already have.

We have access to the blessing of Abraham because we were redeemed from the curse of the law.

There are two sides to our Lord Jesus.
1. The Personality of Jesus.
2. The Principles of Jesus.

The Personality grants you access to heaven but the principle of Jesus grants us access to live heaven on earth.

Don't just take the personality and reject the principles.

Virtues That Provoke Divine Blessings!

*1. Understanding*
The difference between success and failure is primarily ignorance.

*2.  Favour*
The place of the favour of God can not be over emphasized. Without favour, covenant blessing can not speak in your labour. The good news is that we have become favoured and redeemed from the curse of the law through Christ.

*3. Fear of God*
It was said of Job, he feared God and eschewed evil and he was the most blessed man in the east. Fear God reverently in your heart continually.

*4. Righteousness*
This is the bedrock for divine prosperity.
Righteousness means doing the will of God. Psalm 1:1-3. Be exemplary in your organization and business dealings. Be known for righteousness every where you are. If we all live for righteousness, our influences  will change our society for good. Righteousness exalts.

*5. Giving*
2 Cor 9:6; Luke 6:38
The principles of seed, time and harvest will never change no matter the talks and debates of men. Truthfully, the church may need to be more accountable, but the truth remains the truth. Give your tithe, give to the poor, give your way out into divine prosperity.
*6. Responsibility*
It is your duty to make your way prosperous. Be responsible in playing your part in becoming all that Christ died and rose for you to become.

*7. Being Led*
There is a voice of God behind every Word of God. There is a voice of God behind every revelation. You must continually ensure you are being led to do the things you are doing. It's good to do your own business, but some people will prosper in paid employment. Are you led to do what you are currently doing or is it survival inspired?

Monday 16 April 2018

Be Bold

The righteous has the spirit of boldness. He's expected to manifest the Lion's traits in the day to day joggling of life. 

Be unstoppable, be bold. Act boldly in the pursuit of bold steps.

If you don't take bold steps, old steps remain.

Your next set of progressive changes in business, career or life will require your boldness.

Act boldly towards the actualization of your desires and dreams.

Friday 23 March 2018

Loosing The Advantage!

Loosing The Advantage!

There are certain battles, you will always lose if you live in isolation. That was the case of Laish in the book of judges 18 verse 27. They were squashed and had their identity redefined. 

Passers-by kind of trouble makers took advantage of the fact that they had business with no man thus no deliverer. 

Isolation could be a real disadvantage in the days of trouble, the quiet and secure land of Laish as stated above was in isolation. 

Quietness and social-economic security without connection to others are absolute weaknesses in days of trouble.

Keep a company of strength and confidence, so you don't pay with a loss of advantage and identity in the unplanned days of troubles and challenges.

Service your company of strength continually in good and trying seasons.

Stay strong and connected.


Remi Adetunmbi