Friday 7 August 2015

Become A Real Champion

Local champions flaunt material things such as designer clothes & shoes, cars, cash, houses, social-life paparazzis and physical assets.

Real champions flaunt their victories over conquered problems and needs of humanity.

Become a real champion today by adding value wherever you are. Feed someone, clothe somebody, make someone experience a positive surprise today, lead and guide someone today, pray fervently for a friend in need, create jobs, attend to orphanages and less privileged, build low tuition standard schools and health centers, give scholarships.

Just think like a real champion and do what true champions do daily and in a lifetime.

Good luck friends.

Thursday 6 August 2015


Life is a stage for real time movies clustering towards an eternal reality.

 Who is driving the life-script on your inside? Is it Man or the Spirit of God?

 One is limited in understanding, the latter knows all things.

Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit always per every business, financial, emotional, career, marital scripts you've got to act out.

Wish you all the best in your next movie.