Friday 7 November 2014

Upgrade Your Perspective

Upgrade your Perspective

Hi Friend,

Thanks for visiting my blog.

I just thought to share what I learnt yesterday from one of the topmost corporate leaders in Nigeria with you at a program called Fast Track organized by the Elevation Church.It will hopefully upgrade or broaden your perspective.

The leader referenced here is Segun Ogunsanya – the MD, of Airtel Nigeria. He was recently voted as the best MD/CEO in the telecoms industry. It pays to learn from the best. Thus let’s do a review on some of  the points that made his career tick over the last 20 years as highlighted by him.

The ten points will be shared as quickly as I received them but with few explanatory notes majorly from me.

  1. Have a totally open mind.
Be flexible, ready to row as opportunities avail, be optimistic about taking new challenges. Expect all the bits of exposure and knowledge to fit for your good on the long haul.

  1. You must have rules or lines you won’t cross.
For some it could be not working in a shipping company or weapons producing company or bank. Years back, a friend once refused to quit his job in a company producing both alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks although several people made him uncomfortable about his choice to stay. 8yrs after,he had moved to a top management position in a different  company where the same set of people now envy  his current status. Thus have a personal conviction about rules or lines you won’t cross. Be true to your inner convictions.

  1. Always plan to win.
Be the best in all you do, not second best. Develop your mentality to produce the best of results in any endeavour.

  1. Always make sure you have the right network.
Wise saying applies here” Your network determines your net worth”. Always use your neck –up to choose your association and not your neck down. Remember the mad man of Gadara in the bible book of Mark chapter  5, when he came back to his right senses, he was seated quietly with Jesus, he changed environment. Your network influences your positioning. More in my writing on Upgrading  your network.

  1. Always Learn
Learning is winning. You keep learning, you keep moving. Pride is the major inhibitor to learning. Learn from nature, Learn from the poor and the rich, learn from the significant and insignificant. Even God shows only the meek His ways. Don’t lose a learning attitude.

  1. Define What Success Means To You
Have your own personal definition of success. Remember point 2, stick to your definition of success. However consolidate on whatever definition for success you have and give it a generational value.

  1. Be known for Something Good and Be a good Person
Brand yourself with core values. It could be integrity, honesty, great attitude, hardwork, friendliness etc. You can develop and build on all essential core values necessary for your advancement or success in your chosen business or career.

Be kind, be good to your team, have a fantastic working or cordial relationship with people across board to the best of your ability. Please note, a good person generates good outputs. A good person runs a good company, so put your best virtues into all you do.

  1. Have Respect For Cash
Value cash. Your sense of value determines your flows.  With cash,you will do a lot more good for humanity if you have the right heart. So think of always making cash in the mid-term to long term. Attractive cash today may just be misleading,thus you can't base all decisions on cash flow. Develop the right acumen for financial interpretations.

  1. Celebrate Great Performances
Expect to be celebrated only when you have put forward great performances. Don’t expect a pay raise for length of service in your organisation.  Do more than expected, Deliver more than required. Give more than the best of others and bet you will always taste being celebrated.

  1. Trust God
Always seek the face of God in all choices that you make. No one can change God’s plan for your life and the beautiful thing is that God is always interested in every area of your life.

 Thanks for taking out time to visit and read this blog.

 Remi Adetunmbi
Christian,Career & Businessman, Leader, Trainer, Speaker, Counselor